Grow With Us on The Daily Race

Growing spiritually is personal, relational, and cultural.


Grow Spiritually.

You are checking out The Daily Race because you have a personal desire to grow spiritually. That’s amazing! You are making a great decision to get some tools and guidance. We want to help.

Open Bible and cup of coffee

Grow With Our Church Family.

Being part of a community is powerful. Together, we are more consistent in the commitments we make. In community, we get help when we are stuck, and we get to
celebrate victories with each other. God created us to grow in His family.

Pastor Ryan Nuñez with Pastor Mike at Palm Valley Church

Grow Every Day.

We expect God to speak to us and guide us every day, not just on weekends. This conviction becomes part of our church family culture as we invest the time and energy to create opportunities and tools for people to take practical steps.

Journaling with a cup of coffee

Take Your Next Step

Are you ready to take your next step? Start watching The Daily Race or explore the resource videos we have available.


Where can I watch or listen to The Daily Race?

What is the Bible reading plan?

The Bible reading plan is designed to take us through the whole Bible, book by book in about 3 years. We go back and forth between Old Testament books and New Testament books. You can find the reading plan here.

Do I have to wait for the beginning of the Bible reading plan to get started?

No, you can join us anytime! The key to growing in your relationship with God is consistently spending time in the Bible every day. We want to help you read your Bible on your own as well as explore other practices that will help you grow spiritually.