
Watch The Daily Race

You can join Pastor Ryan for The Daily Race every morning at 6:00 a.m. live on social media. Click the button below to watch today's video.

How It Works

Every morning Pastor Ryan broadcasts live a 10-minute devotional to help you engage with God’s word daily. Tune in to follow a reading plan that will take you through the entire Bible in about three years.

You’ll find helpful tips and video interviews to guide you in different aspects of spending time with God—Bible Reading, Prayer, Worship, and Evangelism.

“Life is a marathon, not a sprint. That’s essentially what the writer of Hebrews said when he wrote, ‘Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us’. Each day we have an opportunity to take one step forward with God. Over time, with consistency, this journey can take us places we’ve never imagined! Join me every day as we take a step together on The Daily Race.”

Pastor Ryan